

佳士得創投基金(Christie’s Ventures)旨在與藝術科技初創企業及資深創始人開展合作。

我們重點關注四大創新領域: Web3、人工智能、金融科技以及硬件設備。我們堅信這些領域的創新將增強藝術參與度,提升沉浸式藝術體驗,並為佳士得客戶、合作夥伴和創作者帶來更加卓越的藝術消費體驗。

秉承佳士得的價值主張,我們不僅提供直接的資金支持、更依託逾 250 年的專業知識所鑄就的品牌影響力、廣泛的跨行業合作關係以及無與倫比的市場渠道 ,助力企業加速成長,同時,這也將推動佳士得在藝術市場生態系統中持續引領創新。


Christie's Venture

Devang Thakkar 

Global Head of Christie’s Ventures

Devang is a multi-disciplinary product, technology and business leader who has throughout his career specialised in zero-to-one products, technologies and teams with global scale.

From 2015 to 2019, Devang was VP of Consumer Marketplace at Artsy, where he led Artsy’s efforts to enhance the art buying and selling experience and oversaw the build-out of Artsy’s auction technology and business.

Before joining Artsy in 2015, Devang spent 11 years at Microsoft in Seattle, where he contributed to the development of major operating systems from Windows XP to Windows 10 and product lines such as Bing apps and MSN. For his last product at Microsoft, he was a member of the founding team of Microsoft Teams.

Devang holds an undergraduate in Computer Science, master's degrees in Computer Science from Columbia University and an MBA in Finance from the University of Washington.

He is also an artist — he paints and maintains a studio practice.

Christie's Venture

Ryan Ludgate 

Vice President, Christie’s Ventures  

Ryan has been with Christie’s since 2014, most recently serving as a Co-Head of Information Strategy, shaping how data and technology can strengthen our ways of working.

Leveraging his past career in alternative investments, Ryan has guided many projects throughout his time at Christie’s, exploring art as a financial instrument and identifying opportunities to engage with the financial services industry.

Prior to joining Christie’s, Ryan had a 10-year career in financial services. In his last role, he served as Head of Alternative Investment Funds Management at Barclays Wealth Americas, where he oversaw the operations of its $6 billion private funds platform.
Sarah Buccarelli headshot

Sarah Buccarelli

Director of Platform, Christie’s Ventures

Sarah joined Christie’s in 2017 managing continuing education, certificate and online courses at Christie’s Education.

The programming that she led covered subject matter such as the art market, art law, luxury and art history. Most recently, Sarah has been the Business Manager for Business Development and Client Management. In that role she provided strategic support to the department and closely managed and built the annual operating budget. She has worked as project manager on several projects including the Art + Tech Summit and the 2022 sale ‘Visionary: The Paul G. Allen Collection’ which grossed $1.6B.

Before joining Christie’s, Sarah worked at The Frick Collection and The Hispanic Society Museum & Library. She has an undergraduate degree in Art History from Rutgers University and a master’s degree from New York University.
Christie's Venture

Molly Triana

Analyst, Christie’s Ventures

Molly joined Christie’s in 2023 and is responsible for deal evaluation and investment execution, as well as strategic ventures projects.

Prior to joining Christie’s, Molly worked at Goldman Sachs as an investment banking analyst in the Consumer Retail Group, where she advised companies on mergers and acquisitions, debt and equity offerings, and leveraged buyouts in the consumer retail and consumer tech verticals. Molly earned a joint degree in Economics from the University of Southern California and the London School of Economics.




Image Credit: Frank Stella's Sharpeville during a press preview on 8 July 2020 in Christie’s New York © 2022 Getty, Timothy A. Clary