This work, CELADON: FLAT, created by Ito Hidehito in partnership with producer Mayuyama Ryusendo, stands as a testament to the art of ceramic creation. Ito focused on making celadon works visually pleasing as flat artworks, even though they are three-dimensional. For this project, he used traditional techniques from Eastern antique art, ensuring that he stayed true to them. As a result, although the style is modern, the essence of the work remains rooted in classical art. The beauty of celadon carries deep historical meaning, having developed as an art form inspired by people's admiration for the beauty and harmony of nature. By using this material, Ito seeks to explore a beauty that transcends pottery, creating a more painterly, flat design. Mayuyama Ryusendo and artist's goal was to express the use of color in 20th-century Abstract Expressionism on a smaller scale, while focusing on creating something simply beautiful without relying on words.