DOMENICO GNOLI (1933-1970)
DOMENICO GNOLI (1933-1970)
DOMENICO GNOLI (1933-1970)
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Artist's Resale Right ("Droit de Suite"). Artist's… 顯示更多 PROPERTY OF A LADY


款識:D. Gnoli 1967 「sous la chaussure」(畫背)
油彩 沙 畫布
72 ¾ x 55 1/8in. (184.7 x 140cm.)
日內瓦 Krugier畫廊
巴黎 私人收藏
布魯塞爾 Isy Brachot畫廊
L. Carluccio 《多梅尼科·格諾利》洛桑 1974年(載圖 第125頁)
V. Sgarbi 《多梅尼科·格諾利》米蘭 1983年 第221頁 編號160(彩圖 第124頁)
《Domenico Gnoli: Pintures, Escultures, Dibuixos, Gravats, Esbossos》展覽圖錄 帕爾馬 Centre de Cultura Sa Nostra 1997年(載展覽圖與藝術家 第242頁)
Y. Vu(編)《多梅尼科·格諾利在馬略卡島 1963-1970》帕爾馬 2006年 第245頁 編號28(載展覽圖與藝術家 第182頁 彩圖 第183頁)
《想象:意大利藝術中的視覺新象徵 1960-1969》展覽圖錄 威尼斯 佩吉·古根海姆收藏 2016年(彩圖 第180頁)
2021年10月-2022年2月,此畫作將參與多梅尼科·格諾利回顧展(米蘭 普拉達基金會)
漢諾威 Kestner-Gesellschaft 「多梅尼科·格諾利」 1968年 第40頁 編號56(載圖 第27頁)
布魯塞爾 Palais des Beaux-Arts 「多梅尼科·格諾利」 1968年 編號18
日內瓦 Kruiger畫廊 「多梅尼科·格諾利」 1970年 編號37(載圖 第32頁)
不萊梅 不萊梅藝術館 「多梅尼科·格諾利 1933-1970」 1981年 第56頁 編號23(彩圖 第26頁)
柏林 Martin-Gropius-Bau 「不竭之眼:柏林眼中我們時代的藝術」1987年
馬德里 Fundación Caja de Pensiones 「多梅尼科·格諾利:最後的作品 1963-1969」 1990年 第149頁 編號23(載展覽圖與藝術家 第33頁 彩圖 第126頁)
紐約 Luxembourg & Dayan 「多梅尼科·格諾利:細節中的細節」 2018年 第66頁 第83頁(載展覽圖與藝術家 第10頁 載展覽彩圖 第58頁 載細節彩圖 第64-65頁 彩圖 第67頁)
Artist's Resale Right ("Droit de Suite"). Artist's Resale Right Regulations 2006 apply to this lot, the buyer agrees to pay us an amount equal to the resale royalty provided for in those Regulations, and we undertake to the buyer to pay such amount to the artist's collection agent. Where Christie’s has provided a Minimum Price Guarantee it is at risk of making a loss, which can be significant, if the lot fails to sell. Christie’s therefore sometimes chooses to share that risk with a third party. In such cases the third party agrees prior to the auction to place an irrevocable written bid on the lot. The third party is therefore committed to bidding on the lot and, even if there are no other bids, buying the lot at the level of the written bid unless there are any higher bids. In doing so, the third party takes on all or part of the risk of the lot not being sold. If the lot is not sold, the third party may incur a loss.
This work has been requested for inclusion in the upcoming Domenico Gnoli retrospective at the Fondazione Prada, Milan, October 2021 - February 2022.
Please note this lot is no longer under the Temporary Admission regime. It is now being sold under the VAT Margin Scheme which means 20% VAT will be added to the buyer's premium.


Tessa Lord
Tessa Lord Senior Specialist, Head of Department


An exquisitely executed painting of a black wingtip shoe lifting from the ground, Sous la Chaussure (Under the Shoe) (1967) is a masterclass in Domenico Gnoli’s thrilling, microscopically observed surrealism. Blown up to monumental scale, Gnoli’s carefully framed details of tailoring, furniture and hairstyles become hypnotic, dreamlike fields of texture and pattern. His vision is at once intimate and remote, obsessive and detached, hallucinatory and richly real. Viewed from behind, the shoe’s rising heel and sole fill most of the present canvas; its form, dramatically foreshortened, becomes a vast, voluptuous black silhouette. Every detail—the shoe’s punched broguing and gleaming stacked heel, the fine weave of a red sock, the shadow cast on the ridged, bamboo-coloured floor—is picked out with hyper-real attention. Gnoli has blended his paint with sand, creating a tactile surface that heightens the work’s sensory charge. Widely exhibited since its creation, including in a major 1990 survey of Gnoli’s late works at the Fundación Caja de Pensiones, Madrid, Sous la Chaussure has been in the same private collection for more than thirty-five years. The work has been requested for inclusion in the upcoming Domenico Gnoli retrospective at the Fondazione Prada, Milan, from October 2021 to February 2022.

Shoes were an important theme for Gnoli, appearing multiple times in his large-scale works: a heeled shoe viewed in profile (Scarpa vista di profilo, 1966, Ludwig Museum, Cologne); stilettos, neatly paired and seen from behind (Ladys Feet, 1969, Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal); and, in the penultimate painting of the artist’s life, the sharp, shining toe of a black leather pump (Pointed Shoe, 1969). If the present work’s shoe is more masculine in character, it nonetheless resonates with ideas of fetishism, fascination and the subconscious that are central to Freudian psychoanalysis—an approach to the mind in which Gnoli expressed close interest. In the late 1950s he regularly visited St. Luke’s Hospital in London as a volunteer therapist, helping patients to express their obsessions and traumas through drawing. He was familiar with the work of the Surrealists, who had championed similar methods half a century earlier in order to unleash the unconscious into their art. Inevitably, shoes played a key role for them too: André Breton’s unconscious was unlocked by a ‘dream object’ that hybridised a spoon and a slipper, while the central component of Salvador Dalí’s Surrealist Object Functioning Symbolically (1931) was a lady’s red heel.

Born in Rome to an art historian father, Gnoli considered himself rooted in a rich artistic heritage. ‘At a time like this,’ he explained in 1966, ‘when iconoclastic anti-painting wants to sever all connections with the past, I want to join my work to that “non-elegant” tradition born in Italy in the Quattrocento and recently filtered through the Metaphysical school’ (D. Gnoli, 1966, quoted in E. Braun (ed.), Italian Art in the 20th Century: Painting and Sculpture 1900-1988, London 1989, p. 435). Gnoli’s work can be seen in relation to contemporary Pop works by artists such as Claes Oldenburg, Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol, whose oversized depictions of consumer objects—informed by the sensational language of advertising—turned them into estranged, alienating icons. In his fixation on polished leather, fine textiles and neatly parted hair, however, Gnoli betrays an interest in a quieter, older and more artisanal world. Distinct from the pristine flatness of Pop, the present work’s sandy pigment foregrounds the sense of touch as well as vision; its floor-up perspective might be seen to stir the deep memories of earliest childhood, and even a primordial image of paternal authority. Inflected by examples from the Renaissance and beyond, the marvellous spectacle of Sous la Chaussure reflects Gnoli’s deeply personal attitude towards the things of modern life, and is expressive of feeling and fact in equal measure.

更多來自 二十及二十一世紀藝術晚間拍賣(包括意大利思潮)
