Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947)
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簽名、簽名花押印及日期:Bonnard 1890(右下)
油彩 畫布
9 3/8 x 12 7/8吋(23.6 x 32.8公分)
L. Werth著《Bonnard》,巴黎,1923年(插圖,圖號I)
G. Besson著《Bonnard》,1934年(插圖,圖號13)
L. Werth,T. Natanson,L. Gischia及G. Diehl著《Pierre Bonnard》,巴黎,1945年,第12頁
G. Besson〈Pierre Bonnard〉《Arts de France》,1946年3月15日,第11頁,編號4
F.-J. Beer著《Bonnard》,馬賽,1947年,第14頁(插圖,第45頁)
G. Besson著《Peinture française XIXe siècle》,馬賽,1947年,第14頁(插圖,第45頁)
F. Jourdain著《Pierre Bonnard ou Les vertus de la liberté》,巴黎,1947年,第1頁(彩色插圖)
J. Rewald著「Pierre Bonnard」展覽目錄,現代藝術博物館,紐約,1948年,第16頁(插圖,第16頁;作品名稱《The Parade》)
R. Soderberg著《Bonnard》,斯德哥爾摩,1949年,第17頁(插圖)
H. Rumpel著《Bonnard》,巴黎,1952年,第30頁,編號I(插圖)
Sammlung Emil G. Bührle著展覽目錄,蘇黎世美術館,1958年,第145頁(作品名稱《Die Rekrutenschule》)
A. Martini〈Gli inizi difficile di Pierre Bonnard〉《Arte antica i moderna》,1958年7月至9月,第260頁,編號3(插圖,圖號95b;作品名稱《L'esercitazione militare》)
C. Ives,H. Giambruni及S.M. Newman著「Pierre Bonnard: The Graphic Art」展覽目錄,大都會藝術博物館,紐約,1989年,第7頁(彩色插圖,第8頁,圖6)
J.及H. Dauberville著《Bonnard: Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre peint révisé et augmenté》,第I冊,巴黎,1992年,第87頁,編號10(插圖;再次彩色插圖,第86頁;來源有誤)
N. Watkins著《Bonnard》,香港,1994年,第21頁(彩色插圖,第19頁,圖號9)
J. Elderfeld及S. Whitfeld著「Bonnard」展覽目錄,泰特美術館,倫敦,1998年,第156頁
T. Hyman著《Bonnard》,倫敦,1998年,第21及216頁,編號9(彩色插圖,第19頁;作品名稱《On the Parade Ground》)
A. Terrasse著《Bonnard: Shimmering Color》,紐約,2000年,第19至20及137頁(彩色插圖,第18至19頁;作品名稱《On the Parade Ground》)
R. Thomson著《The Troubled Republic: Visual Culture and Social Debate in France, 1889-1900》,紐黑文,2005年,第91及218頁(彩色插圖,第92頁,圖76)
1891年3月至4月 「Société des artistes indépendants, 7me exposition」展覽 香榭麗舍大街大皇宮 巴黎 第11頁,編號123
1924年4月 「Tableaux de Pierre Bonnard de 1891 à 1922」展覽 E·德魯耶畫廊 巴黎 編號6(1895年作)
1954年 「Bonnard」展覽 里昂美術館 編號3(作品名稱《Fantassins a l'exercice》)
On occasion, Christie's has a direct financial interest in the outcome of the sale of certain lots consigned for sale. This will usually be where it has guaranteed to the Seller that whatever the outcome of the auction, the Seller will receive a minimum sale price for the work. This is known as a minimum price guarantee. This is such a lot.
Please note the additional literature:
R. Cogniat, Bonnard, Paris, 1968, p. 9 (illustrated in color).
A. Fermigier, Pierre Bonnard, Paris, 1969, p. 66 (illustrated in color, p. 67).
U. Perucchi-Petri, Die Nabis und Japan: Das Frühwerk von Bonnard, Vuillard und Denis, Munich, 1976, p. 233 (illustrated, p. 30, fig. 1).
G.L. Mauner, The Nabis: Their History and Their Art, 188-1896, New York, 1978, p. 67 (illustrated).
G. Cogeval, Bonnard, Paris, 1993, p. 44, no. 1 (illustrated in color, p. 45).


Painted in April-May 1890, La Revue or L’Exercice is among Bonnard’s very first, fully realized statements of the synthétiste, anti-naturalist approach to picture-making that he and his fellow Nabis had been promulgating since autumn 1888, when Paul Sérusier returned to the Académie Julian in Paris with a pocket-sized landscape that he had produced at Pont-Aven under Gauguin’s revolutionary tutelage. “Thus was introduced to us for the first time, in a paradoxical and unforgettable form, the fertile concept of a flat surface covered with colors assembled in a certain order,” recounted Maurice Denis, the unofficial spokesman of the Nabi circle, who took their name from a Hebrew word meaning prophet. “Thus we learned that every work of art was a transposition, a passionate equivalent of a sensation received” (“Définition du néo-traditionnisme,” Art et Critique, 1890; in H.B. Chipp, ed., Theories of Modern Art, Berkeley, 1968, p. 101).
This singular, early canvas records Bonnard’s obligatory period of army service at age 22, as a soldat de deuxième classe in the 52nd infantry regiment stationed at Bourgoin, near Lyon. Although his father was a high-ranking official in the War Ministry, Bonnard was a reluctant conscript. One must remember, he wrote from the barracks, that one is more than “a number on the regimental roll and that one once led a life different than that of a brute” (quoted in R. Thomson, op. cit., 2005, p. 218). Here, he exploited the interlocking color planes and unconventional cropping of Nabi technique to convey his subjective experience of the military. The viewer is given the vantage point of a soldier in the ranks, looking over his comrades’ shoulders to the sergeant and another file behind him. The uniformed soldiers are rendered in repeated, flat patches of red and blue, obscuring their individuality and evoking the discipline and pageantry of regimental life.
“By 1890 Bonnard had successfully assimilated the influence of Gauguin’s pared-down, color-rich style,” Colta Ives has written. “L’Exercice, which presents its subject in exemplary decorative array... is a brilliant demonstration of the brand-new abstracted art” (op. cit., 1989, pp. 7-9). Bonnard’s grand-nephew Antoine Terrasse has identified this breakthrough canvas as one of six works—five easel paintings and a multi-panel screen—that the artist exhibited at the Salon des Indépendants in spring 1891, his public début on the Parisian stage (op. cit., 2000, p. 20).

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