'Avedon was used to being one step ahead, and he was clearly in his element in the sixties – invigorated and inspired. While other photographers were reporting the fashion, he was channeling and expressing the spirit of his time.' Vince Aletti
Cette image impactante rappelle très clairement les leçons que le jeune Avedon a apprises de son mentor Alexey Brodovitch, alors directeur artistique de Harper’s Bazaar. Brodovitch, sûrement plus que quiconque, a élevé les enjeux de la création des magazines de mode. Il a compris la nécessité de créer une fusion dynamique entre la typographie et l’image tout en ayant une attente très forte de la part de ses photographes. Avedon a assurément été son élève le plus brillant.
This striking image is a powerful reminder of the lessons the young Avedon learned from his mentor Alexey Brodovitch, the then Art Director of Harper’s Bazaar. Brodovitch, surely more than anyone, raised the stakes in the design of fashion magazines. He understood the need to create a dynamic integration of typography and image, and he established a very high expectation of his photographers, demanding images that combined graphic impact and staying power. Avedon was surely his most brilliant pupil.
Cette image impactante rappelle très clairement les leçons que le jeune Avedon a apprises de son mentor Alexey Brodovitch, alors directeur artistique de Harper’s Bazaar. Brodovitch, sûrement plus que quiconque, a élevé les enjeux de la création des magazines de mode. Il a compris la nécessité de créer une fusion dynamique entre la typographie et l’image tout en ayant une attente très forte de la part de ses photographes. Avedon a assurément été son élève le plus brillant.
This striking image is a powerful reminder of the lessons the young Avedon learned from his mentor Alexey Brodovitch, the then Art Director of Harper’s Bazaar. Brodovitch, surely more than anyone, raised the stakes in the design of fashion magazines. He understood the need to create a dynamic integration of typography and image, and he established a very high expectation of his photographers, demanding images that combined graphic impact and staying power. Avedon was surely his most brilliant pupil.