What is one to make of Roberto Fabelo’s wide-ranging art, with its different subject matters—human faces and figures, animals and inanimate objects, sometimes all thrown together, sometimes synthesized into hybrid monsters—and different methods, ranging from the use of found objects in installations to delicate linear drawings, exquisite watercolors, and painterly works . . . .Fabelo can be meticulous, scrupulously attending to detail, and intensely instinctive—passionately expressionistic--in his handling. The extremes sometimes converge, uneasily yet convincingly.
—Donald Kuspit1
1 D. Kuspit, "Mythic Magic and Morbid Memory: Roberto Fabelo's Visionary Fantasies," ArtPulse, no. 23, vol. 6, 2015, p. 38
—Donald Kuspit1
1 D. Kuspit, "Mythic Magic and Morbid Memory: Roberto Fabelo's Visionary Fantasies," ArtPulse, no. 23, vol. 6, 2015, p. 38