'My archaism, my Etruscans there is not much to explain. My identity was born there, in that region. Those are my grandfathers. It's a civilization that still today surfaces on the ground, something that still feeds those who are alive. I feel extremely attached to my land, to this folk, archaic feeling so alive and intelligent. It's in my blood, I cannot get rid of it'.
M. Marini, quoted in M. de Micheli, 'Una scultura fra natura e storia', pp. 13-22, in Marino Marini, sculture, pitture, disegni dal 1914 al 1977, exh. cat., Venice, 1983, p. 16.
M. Marini, quoted in M. de Micheli, 'Una scultura fra natura e storia', pp. 13-22, in Marino Marini, sculture, pitture, disegni dal 1914 al 1977, exh. cat., Venice, 1983, p. 16.