Jean-Antoine Watteau (Valenciennes 1684-1721)
Property from the Estate of Jasmin S. Trembley
Jean-Antoine Watteau (Valenciennes 1684-1721)

A young woman in a polonais costume, seated and turned to the left

Jean-Antoine Watteau (Valenciennes 1684-1721)
A young woman in a polonais costume, seated and turned to the left
red chalk
5 x 3¼ in. (127 x 83 mm.)
C. Groult; by descent to his son
Jean Groult; Paris, Hôtel Drouot, 20 November 1941, part of lot 18 (as attributed to Quillard).
With Galerie Cailleux, Paris (their stamp lower right).
Private collection, Geneva.
E. de Goncourt, Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre peint, dessiné et gravé d'Antoine Watteau, Paris, 1875, under no. 375.
K.T. Parker and J. Mathey, Antoine Watteau: catalogue complet de son oeuvre dessiné, Paris, 1957, I, no. 179.
M.M. Grasselli, 'Eighteen drawings by Antoine Watteau. A chronological study', Master Drawings, XXXI, 2, 1993, p. 111, under no. 6.
P. Rosenberg and L.-A. Prat, Antoine Watteau, 1684-1721: catalogue raisonné des dessins, Milan, 1996, I, no. 29.
In reverse by Audran for Figures de diffèrents caractères, no. 25.


Rosenberg and Prat date the drawing to circa 1709-10 and suggest that a counterproof might have been taken from it. The figure is similar to one in a painting by Watteau, La polonaise, apparently lost but known through an engraving from the Recueil Jullienne. Four other drawings depicting women in 'polonais' costumes, all dating circa 1709-10, are known (Rosenberg and Prat, op. cit., nos. 27, 28, 44 and 76).