There is a huge disparity between large and small and humans are suspended in between.
-Takashi Hinoda
Hinoda's unique approach towards pottery, normally a traditional medium, has gained him international recognition, with museums in France, United States and Japan enthusiastically collecting his works. His fantastic ceramic sculptures each have a life of their own, as they are individually modeled to be unique creatures of the imaginary world. Hinoda's sculptures are hand painted with motifs originating from Manga and comic books, and while the well defined lines do not result in figuratively recognizable figures, when covering the sculptural object they gain the semblance of animate creatures. Hinoda'a works tell a story that is read by looking at the sculpture in 360 degrees because multiple angles show a different face. Indeed, State Power (Lot 1118) when observed from one side will look like a creature with six toes, one arm and eyes on two different planes, but when seen from the opposite angle, a hippopotamus-like character with a gun will appear. Not only does each object have a distinctive look in different viewers but a variety of elements emerge at every glance.
As in State Power, also The Echo (Delayed) (Lot 1118) has a rough feel of pottery with sporadic smooth, glass-like ceramic balls encased within the larger structure. The balls, also painted, look like eyes or faces and can be turned around in any direction. These smaller separate objects in contraposition to the sculpture as a whole are a manifestation of Hinoda's philosophy. The artist believes there is a huge disparity between large and small things and that humans are suspended in between these two dimensions, just like the rotating balls are suspended unaffected by gravity. In One Hand Clapping (Lot 1118), Hinoda plays with the same elements from his sculptures in two dimensions. As if his sculpture suddenly became flat, cartoon-like lines become a drop of water, a lightning bolt releasing expressiveness in an apparently abstract painting.
-Takashi Hinoda
Hinoda's unique approach towards pottery, normally a traditional medium, has gained him international recognition, with museums in France, United States and Japan enthusiastically collecting his works. His fantastic ceramic sculptures each have a life of their own, as they are individually modeled to be unique creatures of the imaginary world. Hinoda's sculptures are hand painted with motifs originating from Manga and comic books, and while the well defined lines do not result in figuratively recognizable figures, when covering the sculptural object they gain the semblance of animate creatures. Hinoda'a works tell a story that is read by looking at the sculpture in 360 degrees because multiple angles show a different face. Indeed, State Power (Lot 1118) when observed from one side will look like a creature with six toes, one arm and eyes on two different planes, but when seen from the opposite angle, a hippopotamus-like character with a gun will appear. Not only does each object have a distinctive look in different viewers but a variety of elements emerge at every glance.
As in State Power, also The Echo (Delayed) (Lot 1118) has a rough feel of pottery with sporadic smooth, glass-like ceramic balls encased within the larger structure. The balls, also painted, look like eyes or faces and can be turned around in any direction. These smaller separate objects in contraposition to the sculpture as a whole are a manifestation of Hinoda's philosophy. The artist believes there is a huge disparity between large and small things and that humans are suspended in between these two dimensions, just like the rotating balls are suspended unaffected by gravity. In One Hand Clapping (Lot 1118), Hinoda plays with the same elements from his sculptures in two dimensions. As if his sculpture suddenly became flat, cartoon-like lines become a drop of water, a lightning bolt releasing expressiveness in an apparently abstract painting.