20th / 21st Century Hong Kong & Shanghai | Spring 2025
Event date 3月28日 - 4月3日 -
Event location 香港, 上海
為慶祝全新亞太區總部於The Henderson開幕,佳士得於9月26至27日舉行了二十及二十一世紀系列三場開幕拍賣,總成交額達1,256,203,200港元/162,203,684美元,多件作品刷新拍賣記錄,表現強勁。
繼開幕拍賣的斐然佳績, 11月的二十及二十一世紀藝術系列拍賣亦取得圓滿成功,上海和香港兩地聯動,延續了卓越的表現。二十及二十一世紀晚間拍賣在11月7日於上海舉行,錄得成交總額人民幣1.5億/美元2,100萬。11月9日的香港日間拍賣同樣表現亮眼,總成交額超過6500萬港元,成績令人鼓舞。

Christie’s Inaugural Sales of 20th/21st Century Art at The Henderson achieved HK$1,256,203,200 / US$162,203,684, with a solid sell-through-rate of 92% by lot
Claude Monet’s iconic Nymphéas, one of the highlights of the sale, realised HK$233,375,000 / US$30,131,863, while Vincent van Gogh’s monumental Les canots amarrés was sold for HK$250,625,000 / US$32,359,071, with both works breaking the artists’ Asia auction records.
Masterpieces by Zao Wou-Ki, Kim Whan-Ki, René Magritte and Ronald Ventura, as well as other magnificent artworks, also achieved impressive prices in the saleroom.

Christie’s Asia 20th/21st Century November Sale Series: A Celebration of Two Cities
The 20th/21st Century Evening Sale was held on 7 November in Shanghai, achieving a remarkable total of CNY 150 million/US$ 21 million and sell-through rate of nearly 90%. It witnessed a strong 30% increase compared to the same type of sale in 2023 at Christie's Shanghai. Zao Wou-Ki's ‘30.09.65’, a masterpiece shining in the spotlight, was sold for CNY 64,570,000/US$ 9,111,840, leading the auction.
The Hong Kong Day Sale on 9 November also excelled, surpassing HK$ 65 million, with a 100% sell-through rate for works by esteemed artists from China, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore. These results reflect robust and sustained demand for exceptional art across Asia.
Image Credit:
© 2025 C. Herscovici / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.