
The sale of Impressionist and Modern Works on Paper realised £5,392,100 /$8,789,123 /€6,497,481, selling 82% by lot and 87% by value.
The top lot was L'Ange dans les fleurs, executed circa 1925-26, by Marc Chagall (1887-1985), which sold for £662,500/ $1,079,875/ €798,313.
Cornelia Svedman, Head of Sale, Impressionist and Modern Works on Paper: “This sale saw strong demand throughout, spanning the full range of works by the masters of modernity offered, from Degas to Kandinsky and Chagall. Further demonstrating the current breadth of appreciation for works on paper, it is notable that enthusiastic bidding from new and established collectors was truly global, with particular competition from pan-Asian, European and American collectors. The appeal of evocative provenance evident in the Evening Sales continued, with highlights including a Kandinsky watercolour given as a wedding present to Walter Gropius (lot 254) and Picasso drawings previously in the collection of Audrey Hepburn (lots 218-223).”