
The June sale at South Kensington offers one of its largest and most diverse sales to date. The sale opens with a rare selection of Avant-garde Czech works including an early double sided oil by the surrealist painter/poet Jindrich Štyrský, a cubist collage by Bela de Kristo using newspapers from the reporting of the 1956 Hungarian uprising and a highlight collection of 50 works from the Grosvenor Gallery, London, acquired by Eric Estorick – perhaps best known for his interest in the Italian Futurists - in the 1960s. The importance of provenance shows itself throughout the sale with some works having remained in private collections for as long as 75 years.
The French Impressionists are well represented with a beautiful, almost touchable Pointillist oil by Gustave Loiseau; a colourful collection of paintings and watercolours by Albert Marquet; a pastel-hued view of Notre-Dame by Albert Lebourg; and a small gem-like Renoir landscape, to name but a few.