- 搜尋空缺職位,然後於網上提交求職申請。我們的招聘團隊會逐一檢視每份申請。
- 成功通過篩選的求職者會獲邀參加面試,以便我們加深了解。我們可能會要求求職者先進行視像評估,以便對求職者有更深入了解。
- 我們通常會邀請合適的求職者參加額外的面試,與部分準同事見面,了解日後一同工作的團隊。
- 當確定人選後,我們會先作出口頭通知,然後向對方發出正式合約。
- 如果對方決定加入佳士得,人力資源部便會進行背景審查。
- 完成背景審查後,便會確認聘用,我們亦期待新成員加入團隊。
- 在入職前,新同事會收到一封歡迎電郵,當中包含入職第一天所需的詳細資訊。

Our promise to you
- We understand the time commitment and emotional investment that goes into the job application process. All Christie's applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application.
- All applicants that are interviewed will receive detailed feedback, over the phone, with one of our recruiters.
- We advertise all roles internally to support career growth within our teams.
- We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified applicants, with disabilities and long-term health conditions, throughout the candidate journey. Please reach out to the recruitment team to discuss this early in the application process.
Download our Reasonable Adjustments Policy