BUFFON, Georges-Louis Leclerc, vicomte de (1707-1788)
BUFFON, Georges-Louis Leclerc, vicomte de (1707-1788)
BUFFON, Georges-Louis Leclerc, vicomte de (1707-1788)
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BUFFON, Georges-Louis Leclerc, vicomte de (1707-1788)
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BUFFON, Georges-Louis Leclerc, vicomte de (1707-1788)

Collection des animaux quadrupèdes. Paris: Hotel de Thou, [n.d., but c. 1790]

BUFFON, Georges-Louis Leclerc, vicomte de (1707-1788)
Collection des animaux quadrupèdes. Paris: Hotel de Thou, [n.d., but c. 1790]
Very rare separate edition of this selection Buffon's zoological plates, all finely coloured by a contemporary hand. Buffon's magnum opus, Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière published between 1746-1789 in 36 volumes with 1055 plates, contained 572 plates of quadrupeds. This separate collection of 362 plates was published a year later, and contains two lists of contents, enabling cross-referencing between the Linnaean system and French alphabetical order. These meant that the illustrations were not merely decorative, but served as important scientific references with its systematic approach to the classification of animals Cf. Nissen ZBI 672.

2 volumes, quarto (246 x 187mm). 362 engraved plates all coloured by a contemporary hand (without half-titles, letterpress leaves 1.2 and 2.2 unevenly trimmed at head, a couple of plates similarly unevenly trimmed at foot, plate 109 in vol. 1 with tear along plate mark but without loss, plates 122-134 in vol. 1 with faint diagonal creasing, some occasional faint insignificant offsetting and browning). Contemporary marbled calf, covers with gilt triple fillet border, spine with raised bands in 6 compartments, red morocco gilt lettering pieces in second and third compartments, richly gilt in the others, marbled endpapers and edges (extremities lightly rubbed, top corners of volume worn more heavily, a couple of tiny wormholes to spines).


Emily Pilling
Emily Pilling Senior Sale Coordinator

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