Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis Sixti Quinti Pont. Max... Rome: Typographia Apostolica Vaticana, 1593
BIBLE, in Latin
Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis Sixti Quinti Pont. Max... Rome: Typographia Apostolica Vaticana, 1593
1593 Sextine-Clementine edition of the Vulgate from Kenelm and Venetia Digby's library with his arms and rare Latin motto: ‘Vacate et videte’. In 1590, under the auspices of pope Sixtus V, a new edition of the Vulgate was published, but its revisions and antagonised the laity, and Sixtus had offended the Jesuits by placing one of Bellarmine’s books on the Index librorum prohibitorum. Therefore, after the death of Sixtus, pope Clement VIII ordered in early 1592 that all copies of the 1590 edition be withdrawn, and by the end of that year, a revised edition in folio format was issued. This differed from the Sixtine edition in nearly 5000 places, but kept Sixtus’ name on the title so as to avoid Sixtus’ injunction that forbade any changes to his text. ‘This Clementine Bible of 1592 remains to the present day the standard edition of the Roman Church’ (Darlow & Moule), and the present lot is the second edition of the following year, in smaller quarto format. Kenelm Digby, despite the inescapable Anglican oaths of supremacy and allegiance required by courtiers, maintained a strong familial interest in the Roman Church, and it is no surprise that this edition was in his library. With his Roman Catholic parents (his father was executed for his implication in the Gunpowder Plot), Digby later reconverted to Catholicism in 1635, not long after the death of his wife, Venetia. Darlow & Moule, II 6185; USTC 806791; Brunet, I 878 (‘renferme de nouv. variantes qui la font rechercher’); Adams B-1102.
Quarto (233 x 170 mm). Text in Latin, title in red and black letters, 3 pages of manuscript index at the end of the volume (lacking final blank, repair at the inner margin of title page, tiny marginal chips to Qq2, Lll7 and Xxx6, 45mm tear to Ooo1 into text but without loss, light dampstain towards end affecting leaves *3-4 more heavily, occasional faint insignificant spotting and browning, affecting just a few leaves more heavily). 17th-century French brown morocco, gilt arms of Kenelm and Venetia Digby (extremities fractionally rubbed). Provenance: Sir Kenelm and Venetia Digby (1603-1665 and 1600-1633 respectively; armorial binding and autograph Latin motto on title) – 3 pages of index in an unidentified 17th-century hand at end – Claude Henri Le Pelletier de la Houssaye (signature on title page, dated 1714) – H.D. Lyon (1917-2004, antiquarian bookdealer) –Robert S Pirie (1934-2015, bibliophile; bookplate, collection sold at:) – Sotheby’s New York, 2 December 2015, lot 247).
Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis Sixti Quinti Pont. Max... Rome: Typographia Apostolica Vaticana, 1593
1593 Sextine-Clementine edition of the Vulgate from Kenelm and Venetia Digby's library with his arms and rare Latin motto: ‘Vacate et videte’. In 1590, under the auspices of pope Sixtus V, a new edition of the Vulgate was published, but its revisions and antagonised the laity, and Sixtus had offended the Jesuits by placing one of Bellarmine’s books on the Index librorum prohibitorum. Therefore, after the death of Sixtus, pope Clement VIII ordered in early 1592 that all copies of the 1590 edition be withdrawn, and by the end of that year, a revised edition in folio format was issued. This differed from the Sixtine edition in nearly 5000 places, but kept Sixtus’ name on the title so as to avoid Sixtus’ injunction that forbade any changes to his text. ‘This Clementine Bible of 1592 remains to the present day the standard edition of the Roman Church’ (Darlow & Moule), and the present lot is the second edition of the following year, in smaller quarto format. Kenelm Digby, despite the inescapable Anglican oaths of supremacy and allegiance required by courtiers, maintained a strong familial interest in the Roman Church, and it is no surprise that this edition was in his library. With his Roman Catholic parents (his father was executed for his implication in the Gunpowder Plot), Digby later reconverted to Catholicism in 1635, not long after the death of his wife, Venetia. Darlow & Moule, II 6185; USTC 806791; Brunet, I 878 (‘renferme de nouv. variantes qui la font rechercher’); Adams B-1102.
Quarto (233 x 170 mm). Text in Latin, title in red and black letters, 3 pages of manuscript index at the end of the volume (lacking final blank, repair at the inner margin of title page, tiny marginal chips to Qq2, Lll7 and Xxx6, 45mm tear to Ooo1 into text but without loss, light dampstain towards end affecting leaves *3-4 more heavily, occasional faint insignificant spotting and browning, affecting just a few leaves more heavily). 17th-century French brown morocco, gilt arms of Kenelm and Venetia Digby (extremities fractionally rubbed). Provenance: Sir Kenelm and Venetia Digby (1603-1665 and 1600-1633 respectively; armorial binding and autograph Latin motto on title) – 3 pages of index in an unidentified 17th-century hand at end – Claude Henri Le Pelletier de la Houssaye (signature on title page, dated 1714) – H.D. Lyon (1917-2004, antiquarian bookdealer) –Robert S Pirie (1934-2015, bibliophile; bookplate, collection sold at:) – Sotheby’s New York, 2 December 2015, lot 247).

Emily Pilling
Senior Sale Coordinator