Ecce Homo
Ecce Homo
first half 16th century
on sturdy laid paper, watermark Maltese Cross
a good but later impression of the first state (of three), before the addition of the monogram
printed by Officina Soliani, Modena, in 1828 or 1864 (no early impressions are known)
trimmed to or just inside the borderline
some small defects
generally in good condition
Sheet 384 x 302 mm.
Ecce Homo
first half 16th century
on sturdy laid paper, watermark Maltese Cross
a good but later impression of the first state (of three), before the addition of the monogram
printed by Officina Soliani, Modena, in 1828 or 1864 (no early impressions are known)
trimmed to or just inside the borderline
some small defects
generally in good condition
Sheet 384 x 302 mm.
Prince d'Essling, Duc de Rivoli (according to the label on the back of the frame).
Catalogo generale delle incisioni in legno per uso di tipografie di varie epoche di antica spettanza degli eredi di Bartolomeo Soliani, Modena, 1864, p. 73.
Lippmann F., "Der italienische Holzschnitt im XV. Jahrhundert", in: Jahrbuch der Königlich-Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, 1884, Bd. V, ed. 1969, p. 167.
Field. R. S., The Illustrated Bartsch 161-166 (Supplement). German single leaf woodcuts before 1500: Anonymous artists, New York, 1987-2008, no. 855.
Laura Aldovini, David Landau, Silvia Urbini, Atlante delle xilografie italiane del Rinascimento,
ALU.0004.2, https://archivi.cini.it/storiaarte/detail/14223/stampa-14223.html, ISBN 978-88-96445-24-2
Lippmann F., "Der italienische Holzschnitt im XV. Jahrhundert", in: Jahrbuch der Königlich-Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, 1884, Bd. V, ed. 1969, p. 167.
Field. R. S., The Illustrated Bartsch 161-166 (Supplement). German single leaf woodcuts before 1500: Anonymous artists, New York, 1987-2008, no. 855.
Laura Aldovini, David Landau, Silvia Urbini, Atlante delle xilografie italiane del Rinascimento,
ALU.0004.2, https://archivi.cini.it/storiaarte/detail/14223/stampa-14223.html, ISBN 978-88-96445-24-2

Stefano Franceschi