Andrew Strauss et Timothy Baum du Man Ray Expertise Committee ont confirmé l’authenticité de cette œuvre sous la référence 00351-O-2024 et que l’édition de cette œuvre sera incluse dans le Catalogue des Objets et Sculptures de Man Ray, actuellement en cours de préparation.
Andrew Strauss and Timothy Baum of the Man Ray Expertise Committee have confirmed the authenticity of this work under reference 00351-O-2024 and that the edition of this work will be included in the Catalogue of Objects & Sculpture of Man Ray, currently in preparation.
Andrew Strauss and Timothy Baum of the Man Ray Expertise Committee have confirmed the authenticity of this work under reference 00351-O-2024 and that the edition of this work will be included in the Catalogue of Objects & Sculpture of Man Ray, currently in preparation.