Mark Knopfler purchased this guitar from Rumble Seat Music in Ithaca, New York, in June 2006, as a pair for the previous lot. Knopfler posed with this Starfire III as part of the promotional shoot for his 2007 solo studio album Kill To Get Crimson. Photographed by Fabio Lovino, the shoot was also captured in Tom Bird’s short documentary film that accompanied the CD/DVD album set. Both this guitar and the Starfire II (the previous lot) were present during February 2014 recording sessions at British Grove Studios for Knopfler’s 2015 solo studio album Tracker, as seen in a photograph by keyboardist and album co-producer Guy Fletcher, which shows Mark surrounded by a cluster of similar archtop guitars. Although likely tested for a particular use during the recording process, it is not known whether either model made it on to the final record.