CLAUDE LALANNE (1925-2019)
CLAUDE LALANNE (1925-2019)
CLAUDE LALANNE (1925-2019)
CLAUDE LALANNE (1925-2019)
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CLAUDE LALANNE (1925-2019)

'Singerie' Armchair, 2014

CLAUDE LALANNE (1925-2019)
'Singerie' Armchair, 2014
gilt bronze, copper, leather upholstery
32 ¼ x 36 ¼ x 25 1⁄8 in. (82 x 92 x 64 cm)
monogrammed CL, stamped LALANNE, dated 2014 and numbered 4⁄8A
Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner
D. Marchesseau, The Lalannes, Paris, 1998, pp. 142-143
Claude & François-Xavier Lalanne: Fragments, exh. cat., Galerie Enrico Navarra, Paris and JGM Galerie, Paris, 2000, pp. 119, 133 (for a related example)
V. Thailly, Les Lalanne: sculptures récentes, exh. cat., Galerie Guy Pieters, Knokke-Heist, 2001, n.p.
R. Krakoff, et. al., Claude & François-Xavier Lalanne, exh. cat., Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York and Ben Brown Fine Arts, London, 2006, pp. 54, 98
D. Abadie, Lalanne(s), Paris, 2008, p. 344
Les Lalanne, exh. cat., Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, 2010, pp. 108, 112-113, 132
A. Dannatt, ed., Les Lalanne: Fifty Years of Work 1964-2015, exh. cat., Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, 2015, p. 70
Les Lalanne à Trianon, exh. cat., Château de Versailles, Paris, 2021, p. 118


Daphné Riou
Daphné Riou SVP, Senior Specialist, Head of Americas

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