卡地亚,铂金镶钻石不对称镂空腕表, CRASH,限量生产,约2015年制,附原厂证书、盒⼦及外包装 机芯:手动上弦 表盘:镂空镶钻石 表壳:26 X 45毫米(阔度 X 长度) 附件: 18K白金镶钻石卡地亚CRASH折叠扣、原厂证书、产品资料、盒⼦及外包装 备注:编号22/67 附注:拍品序列号可按要求提供 卡地亚
Lot incorporates material from endangered species that is not for sale and is shown for display purposes only. The endangered species strap shown with the Lot is for display purposes only and is not for sale.Upon sale, the watch will not be supplied to a buyer outside Hong Kong with any watch strap.