GREGORIUS I (St., Pope, c. 540-604).
GREGORIUS I (St., Pope, c. 540-604).
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GREGORIUS I (St., Pope, c. 540-604).

Homiliae super Ezechielem. [Brussels: Fratres Vitae Communis, c.1476-77].

GREGORIUS I (St., Pope, c. 540-604).
Homiliae super Ezechielem. [Brussels: Fratres Vitae Communis, c.1476-77].
First edition, printed at the first and only 15th-century press at Brussels. The Brothers of the Common Life established a press at their Nazareth Cloister and printed 35 known editions from 1475 to 1485, mainly liturgical texts and works of theology. Their types resembled Cologne types, and the earliest fount was apparently the work of the typesetter and first printer at Louvain Johann Veldener: for the complex history of the press and its type development, see Hellinga, Printing Types, I, pp. 25-28. HC 7944; Goff G-424; Camp 853; BMC IX 173; GW 11425; Bod-inc. G-214; ISTC ig00424000.

Chancery folio (282 x 206mm). 132 leaves. Two major initials in blue with red and green decoration, other initials, paragraph marks and capital strokes in red (very occasional small stain, evidence of two index tabs). Modern calf ruled in blind. Provenance: an occasional marginal note, contemporary corrigenda on final blank referring to a Saints’ Lives (presumably a text previously bound with the present work).
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Emily Pilling
Emily Pilling Senior Sale Coordinator

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