Zao Wou-Ki (1921-2013)
Artist's Resale Right ("droit de Suite"). If the … 显示更多
Zao Wou-Ki (1921-2013)

Sans titre

Zao Wou-Ki (1921-2013)
Sans titre
signé en chinois et en Pinyin 'ZAO' (en bas à droite); signé en chinois et en Pinyin et daté 'ZAO 2004' (au dos)
huile sur toile
54 x 65 cm.
Peint en 2004.

signed in Chinese and in Pinyin; signed 'ZAO' (lower right); signed in Chinese and in Pinyin and dated 'ZAO 2004' (on the reverse)
oil on canvas
21 1⁄2 x 25 5⁄8 in.
Painted in 2004.
Collection privée, Europe (acquis directement auprès de l'artiste)
Artist's Resale Right ("droit de Suite"). If the Artist's Resale Right Regulations 2006 apply to this lot, the buyer also agrees to pay us an amount equal to the resale royalty provided for in those Regulations, and we undertake to the buyer to pay such amount to the artist's collection agent. ƒ: In addition to the regular Buyer’s premium, a commission of 5.5% inclusive of VAT of the hammer price will be charged to the buyer. It will be refunded to the Buyer upon proof of export of the lot outside the European Union within the legal time limit. (Please refer to section VAT refunds)
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Please note that Lot 1 which was not marked with a symbol in the catalogue is now subject to a minimum price guarantee and has been financed by a third party who is bidding on the lot and may receive a financing fee from Christie’s.


Josephine Wanecq
Josephine Wanecq Specialist, Head of Evening Sale


« Peindre, peindre, toujours peindre, encore peindre le mieux possible, le vide et le plein, le léger et le dense, le vivant et le souffle ». Zao Wou Ki

"Painting, painting, always painting, still painting the best possible way, the void and the full, the light and the dense, the living and the breath." - Zao Wou Ki

更多来自 战后及当代艺术
