« Lorsque l’on me demande ce que je pense quand je regarde un tableau, je peux seulement répondre que je ne pense pas du tout ; je le regarde et je ne peux qu’en saisir la beauté, et je ne veux pas le voir en relation avec quoi que ce soit d’autre. Seulement ce que je vois, car il a sa propre légitimité ». - Imi Koebel
“When I am asked about what I think when I look at a painting, I can only answer that I don't think at all; I look at it and can only take in the beauty, and I don't want to see it in relation to anything else. Only what I see, simply because it has its own validity.” - Imi Koebel
“When I am asked about what I think when I look at a painting, I can only answer that I don't think at all; I look at it and can only take in the beauty, and I don't want to see it in relation to anything else. Only what I see, simply because it has its own validity.” - Imi Koebel