During her lifetime, Princess Olga Konstantinovna Orlova (1872-1923) was known as the most elegant and best-dressed woman in St Petersburg. Alexander Benois wrote that she had great style and was the favoured model of Russian artists. The most famous portrait of Princess Olga Orlova was painted by Valentin Serov in 1911 (State Russian Museum, St Petersburg).
From a noble Russian family, Olga was the eldest child of Prince Constantine Belosselsky-Belozersky and Nadezhda Skobeleva. She married Prince Vladimir Nikolaevich Orlov (1868-1927) in 1894 and emigrated to France in 1919, following the Revolution.
From a noble Russian family, Olga was the eldest child of Prince Constantine Belosselsky-Belozersky and Nadezhda Skobeleva. She married Prince Vladimir Nikolaevich Orlov (1868-1927) in 1894 and emigrated to France in 1919, following the Revolution.