A complete book with contents page and publishing information in the collection of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (53.453).
For a similar set of birds and flowers prints in the Rockefeller Collection, see the exhibition catalogue Yomigaeru bi, hana to tori to: Rokkufera ukiyoe kurekushon ten (Reviving beauty, flowers and birds: Ukiyo-e from the Rockefeller Collection) (Japan: Bunyusha, 1990), pp. 18-19.
For a similar set of birds and flowers prints in the Rockefeller Collection, see the exhibition catalogue Yomigaeru bi, hana to tori to: Rokkufera ukiyoe kurekushon ten (Reviving beauty, flowers and birds: Ukiyo-e from the Rockefeller Collection) (Japan: Bunyusha, 1990), pp. 18-19.