Book of Hours, use of Sarum, in Latin, illuminated manuscript on vellum [Flanders, first half of the 15th century]
Anonymous Flemish artist
Book of Hours, use of Sarum, in Latin, illuminated manuscript on vellum [Flanders, first half of the 15th century]
A Flemish Book of Hours made for the export market, perhaps as early as the Reformation in the possession of a member of the Scottish Tulloch family of Tannachie.
120 x 80mm. iv + 136 + iv, lacking at least two leaves, the final gathering a later addition, some prickings just evident, certain instructions to the rubricator survive, 16 lines, ruled space: 65 x 47mm, illuminated initials throughout, ten five- to six-line illuminated initials with full borders of ivy leaves and flowers on hairline tendrils (some soiling and water-staining, including to the initial pages). Burgundy morocco gilt with slipcase (spine bands a little bumped).
Provenance: (1) The style of the borders and illuminated initials points to a Flanders production, with the liturgical use and the appearance in red in the Calendar of Thomas Becket, Edmund, archbishop of Canterbury, and Edmund the Martyr signalling its ultimate destination, the English market. (2) Marginal annotations in Latin and English in 15th- to 17th-century hands, including an index of the Penitential Psalms added on f.58v in a 16th-century English hand and ‘Joha[nnes] Polton’ added on f.76v. (3) Francis Tulloch of Tannachie: his 19th-century bookplate. That the feast days of Thomas Becket remain intact in the calendar suggests the volume may have been in recusant ownership at the time of the Reformation – the Catholic Tullochs backed the Young Pretender during the Jacobite Rising – raising the possibility that the Tulloch ownership of the volume dates as far back as the 16th century. (4) Madeleine Stern, gift inscription from ?L.N.K, Christmas, 1922.
Content: Calendar ff.1-12; Hours of the Virgin, use of Sarum, with suffrages at the end of Lauds (lacking the end of Matins and opening of Lauds) ff.13-58; Seven Penitential Psalms and Litany ff.59-79; Office of the Dead ff.80-110; Commendation of souls ff.111-128; Psalter of the Passion (perhaps a later English addition) ff.129-136.
Book of Hours, use of Sarum, in Latin, illuminated manuscript on vellum [Flanders, first half of the 15th century]
A Flemish Book of Hours made for the export market, perhaps as early as the Reformation in the possession of a member of the Scottish Tulloch family of Tannachie.
120 x 80mm. iv + 136 + iv, lacking at least two leaves, the final gathering a later addition, some prickings just evident, certain instructions to the rubricator survive, 16 lines, ruled space: 65 x 47mm, illuminated initials throughout, ten five- to six-line illuminated initials with full borders of ivy leaves and flowers on hairline tendrils (some soiling and water-staining, including to the initial pages). Burgundy morocco gilt with slipcase (spine bands a little bumped).
Provenance: (1) The style of the borders and illuminated initials points to a Flanders production, with the liturgical use and the appearance in red in the Calendar of Thomas Becket, Edmund, archbishop of Canterbury, and Edmund the Martyr signalling its ultimate destination, the English market. (2) Marginal annotations in Latin and English in 15th- to 17th-century hands, including an index of the Penitential Psalms added on f.58v in a 16th-century English hand and ‘Joha[nnes] Polton’ added on f.76v. (3) Francis Tulloch of Tannachie: his 19th-century bookplate. That the feast days of Thomas Becket remain intact in the calendar suggests the volume may have been in recusant ownership at the time of the Reformation – the Catholic Tullochs backed the Young Pretender during the Jacobite Rising – raising the possibility that the Tulloch ownership of the volume dates as far back as the 16th century. (4) Madeleine Stern, gift inscription from ?L.N.K, Christmas, 1922.
Content: Calendar ff.1-12; Hours of the Virgin, use of Sarum, with suffrages at the end of Lauds (lacking the end of Matins and opening of Lauds) ff.13-58; Seven Penitential Psalms and Litany ff.59-79; Office of the Dead ff.80-110; Commendation of souls ff.111-128; Psalter of the Passion (perhaps a later English addition) ff.129-136.
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Sophie Meadows
Senior Specialist