« Dans la nature, il y a des formes déformées, parentes entre elles, mais jamais identiques. Les formes géométriques, plastiques, organiques, et celles qui sont pour ainsi dire l´œuvre des temps qui précèdent l´histoire. Toutes ces formes doivent se retrouver dans la composition du tableau. Et le peintre doit réfléchir longuement, très longuement, avant de commencer la composition de son tableau. »
“In nature, there are distorted forms that are related to each other, but never identical. Geometric, plastic and organic forms, and those which are, so to speak, the work of times preceding history. All these forms must be found in the painting's composition. And the painter must think long, very long, before starting to compose his painting. "
“In nature, there are distorted forms that are related to each other, but never identical. Geometric, plastic and organic forms, and those which are, so to speak, the work of times preceding history. All these forms must be found in the painting's composition. And the painter must think long, very long, before starting to compose his painting. "