Rina Banerjee (née en 1963)
This item will be transferred to an offsite wareho… 显示更多
Rina Banerjee (née en 1963)

With tinsel and teeth, gem and gem...get back to where

Rina Banerjee (née en 1963)
With tinsel and teeth, gem and gem...get back to where
accumulation d'objets trouvés
225 x 115 x 80 cm.
Réalisé en 2005.

accumulation of found objects
88 5/8 x 45 ¼ x 31 ½ in.
Executed in 2005.
Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Paris
Collection Claude Berri, Paris (acquis auprès de celle-ci en 2007)
Collection privée, Paris
This item will be transferred to an offsite warehouse after the sale. Please refer to department for information about storage charges and collection details.

更多来自 战后及当代艺术(日间拍卖)
