With tinsel and teeth, gem and gem...get back to where
Rina Banerjee (née en 1963)
With tinsel and teeth, gem and gem...get back to where
accumulation d'objets trouvés
225 x 115 x 80 cm.
Réalisé en 2005.
accumulation of found objects
88 5/8 x 45 ¼ x 31 ½ in.
Executed in 2005.
With tinsel and teeth, gem and gem...get back to where
accumulation d'objets trouvés
225 x 115 x 80 cm.
Réalisé en 2005.
accumulation of found objects
88 5/8 x 45 ¼ x 31 ½ in.
Executed in 2005.
Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Paris
Collection Claude Berri, Paris (acquis auprès de celle-ci en 2007)
Collection privée, Paris
Collection Claude Berri, Paris (acquis auprès de celle-ci en 2007)
Collection privée, Paris
This item will be transferred to an offsite warehouse after the sale. Please refer to department for information about storage charges and collection
Laëtitia Bauduin