Figure de proue de la photographie de mode in situ, l’artiste Scott Schuman s’éloigne des images rédactionnelles assignées aux magazines de mode pour faire évoluer de manière autonome, sur son blog ‘The Sartorialist’, une série de photographies rendant compte d’une vision aussi tangible que sensible du vestiaire new-yorkais.
Marqué par une signature stylistique affirmée et constante, Schuman collabore en 2007 avec la Gallery Danziger et son bureau d’études assigné aux mouvances photographiques contemporaines, le Danziger Project, pour nous livrer une série de tirages pigmentaires empreints de son univers de prédilection : la mode.
Ethnographe des tendances, le photographe encre son travail dans un cadre urbain, théâtre de ses actions créatives. Les compositions frontales qui en découlent, glorifiant de plein pied l’individu et sa tenue, dressent un portrait social, témoignage de l’identité vestimentaire de ses contemporains.
Artist Scott Schuman, the figurehead of in situ fashion photography, moved away from the editorial images associated with fashion magazines to develop, independently, a series of photographs offering a tangible and sensitive vision of New York’s wardrobe through his blog “The Sartorialist”.
Distinguished by a consistent and bold signature style, in 2007 Schuman collaborated with the Danziger Gallery and its research department dedicated to contemporary photography movements, the Danziger Project, to produce a series of pigment prints depicting his favourite world: fashion.
An ethnographer of trends, his photography is created in urban settings, the street is the stage for his creativity. The resulting frontal compositions, glorifying the individual and his or her look in full length, offer a social portrait, an eye-witness report on the sartorial identity of his contemporaries.
Marqué par une signature stylistique affirmée et constante, Schuman collabore en 2007 avec la Gallery Danziger et son bureau d’études assigné aux mouvances photographiques contemporaines, le Danziger Project, pour nous livrer une série de tirages pigmentaires empreints de son univers de prédilection : la mode.
Ethnographe des tendances, le photographe encre son travail dans un cadre urbain, théâtre de ses actions créatives. Les compositions frontales qui en découlent, glorifiant de plein pied l’individu et sa tenue, dressent un portrait social, témoignage de l’identité vestimentaire de ses contemporains.
Artist Scott Schuman, the figurehead of in situ fashion photography, moved away from the editorial images associated with fashion magazines to develop, independently, a series of photographs offering a tangible and sensitive vision of New York’s wardrobe through his blog “The Sartorialist”.
Distinguished by a consistent and bold signature style, in 2007 Schuman collaborated with the Danziger Gallery and its research department dedicated to contemporary photography movements, the Danziger Project, to produce a series of pigment prints depicting his favourite world: fashion.
An ethnographer of trends, his photography is created in urban settings, the street is the stage for his creativity. The resulting frontal compositions, glorifying the individual and his or her look in full length, offer a social portrait, an eye-witness report on the sartorial identity of his contemporaries.