Pendant quelques années, à la fin des années 1980 et au début des années 1990, un petit groupe de mannequins internationaux s’est imposé dans l’industrie de la photographie de mode. Cette séduisante élite dictait sa loi avec toute l’autorité des plus grandes stars de cinéma. Le présent cliché de ces top-modèles s’est hissé au rang de parangon de la célébration de leur beauté, au plus fort de leur succès – sans la distraction des vêtements ou des accessoires. Élégamment entrelacées, elles s’inscrivent dans une longue lignée de célébrations artistiques de la beauté idéalisée, au même titre que les allégories de Botticelli et les Trois Grâces de Canova.
For a few years in the late 1980s and early 1990s, a small clique of international models reconfigured the power-base of the fashion photography business. These seductive thoroughbreds could and did call the shots with all the authority that one might associate with the greatest film stars. They came to be known collectively as the ‘Supermodels’, and the present study has acquired an exemplary status as a celebration of their beauty – without the distraction of clothes or props – at the very height of their success. Elegantly intertwined, they take their place in a long history of artistic celebrations of idealised beauty that includes Botticelli’s allegories and Canova’s Three Graces.
For a few years in the late 1980s and early 1990s, a small clique of international models reconfigured the power-base of the fashion photography business. These seductive thoroughbreds could and did call the shots with all the authority that one might associate with the greatest film stars. They came to be known collectively as the ‘Supermodels’, and the present study has acquired an exemplary status as a celebration of their beauty – without the distraction of clothes or props – at the very height of their success. Elegantly intertwined, they take their place in a long history of artistic celebrations of idealised beauty that includes Botticelli’s allegories and Canova’s Three Graces.