The Satta Pass was constructed by the Shogunate in 1655 to improve the journey along a part of the Tokaido which previously would have required travelling along the treacherous rocky shoreline at low tide, shown at the base of the cliffs in this print. Mount Fuji can be seen rising up in the distance, partially obscured by a group of windswept trees clinging to the rock edge. Travellers are shown ascending the long slope up the cliff and ships are along the coastline.
For the same print in The British Museum, accession number 1915,0823,0.738, go to: https://www.britishmuseum.org/research.aspx
For the same print in The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, accession number 00.1202, go to: https://www.mfa.org/collections/search
For the same print in The British Museum, accession number 1915,0823,0.738, go to: https://www.britishmuseum.org/research.aspx
For the same print in The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, accession number 00.1202, go to: https://www.mfa.org/collections/search