Both subjects are taken from the Book of Revelation. The first illustrates the 'woman clothed with the sun' who represents Israel and the Church and is about to give birth to a child who will rule the world, being chased into the wilderness by Satan in the form of a great red dragon. The second takes as it's subject the Whore of Babylon as described by St John. Both watercolours show the influence of William Blake's biblical watercolours painted for Thomas Butts in the 1800s.
Francis Osmaston (1857-1925) was a musician and author who supported several contemporary artists. These watercolours were part of a series of eight illustrations to Revelation which he purchased from Stock and which were sold in these Rooms, 4 November 1994.
Francis Osmaston (1857-1925) was a musician and author who supported several contemporary artists. These watercolours were part of a series of eight illustrations to Revelation which he purchased from Stock and which were sold in these Rooms, 4 November 1994.