Aert Schouman (Dordrecht 1710-1792 The Hague)
Aert Schouman (Dordrecht 1710-1792 The Hague)

An sunbird (?) and a Dusky parrot (Pionus fuscus) on a branch

Aert Schouman (Dordrecht 1710-1792 The Hague)
An sunbird (?) and a Dusky parrot (Pionus fuscus) on a branch
inscribed 'Papagaay levens groote, en Colobrie A:S./ Een Zurinaamse beeltnis [?] levens groot was Cabinet van de Heer C. B. A. S. 176[0]' and with inscriptions 'N°. 36./ JH. 99' and 'A. Schouman' (verso)
black chalk, watercolour, heightened with gold, pen and brown ink framing lines, Strasburg lily in a coat of arms surmounted by a crown
14½ x 10¼ in. (36.8 x 25.9 cm.)

更多来自 古典大师及英国绘画
