"Tout le sol de l'oasis ainsi piétiné et repiétiné et rempli de marques et de signes est comme un immense cahier de brouillons, cahier d'improvisations, comme un vaste tableau noir d'école tout plein de chiffres dans lequel on vit, on s'immerge, on se dissout, on se saborde."
"The whole ground of the oasis thus trampled and re-trained and filled with marks and signs is like an immense notebook of drafts, a notebook of improvisations, like a vast blackboard of school full of figures in which we live, we immerse, we dissolve, we scuttle."
Jean Dubuffet (Lettre à J. Berne, 4 janvier 1948)
"The whole ground of the oasis thus trampled and re-trained and filled with marks and signs is like an immense notebook of drafts, a notebook of improvisations, like a vast blackboard of school full of figures in which we live, we immerse, we dissolve, we scuttle."
Jean Dubuffet (Lettre à J. Berne, 4 janvier 1948)