Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, Bt., A.R.A., R.W.S. (1833-1898)
Property from a Private Collection(Lots 17-24)The following drawings were previously bound in one sketchbook numbered and dated ‘X1V/1880’. Lot 17, depicting Frances Graham (1854-1940), is sold with the sketchbook in which it remains. The drawings have not previously been exhibited or recorded in the published literature.
Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, Bt., A.R.A., R.W.S. (1833-1898)

Study for 'The Golden Stairs': Frances Graham at the foot of the stairs

Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, Bt., A.R.A., R.W.S. (1833-1898)
Study for 'The Golden Stairs': Frances Graham at the foot of the stairs
pencil on paper, laid onto the final page of Burne-Jones's Roberson & Co. sketchbook, hessian bound, numbered and dated 'XIV/ 1880' (on the cover), with a colour test of petrol blue wash on the inside front cover, and a sheet of writing paper with the address '88, Portland Place, W.' (the Lewis family home)
10 x 5 ½ in. (25.4 x 14 cm.)
Sir George and Lady Lewis, and by descent to the present owner.


Frances Graham (1854-1940) was the daughter of William Graham, the Liberal M.P. for Glasgow and a great patron of Burne-Jones. Frances shared her father's love of art, and often visited artists' studios with him. Burne-Jones fell in love with her, and she was often the subject of portrait drawings and paintings, as well as the model for several larger compositions including The Arming of Perseus and The Golden Stairs. She later married Sir John 'Jack' Horner, and became a patron and collector in her own right.

See lot 15 for information about The Golden Stairs and the provenance for this lot.

更多来自 维多利亚时代、前拉斐尔派及英国印象派艺术
