CLIFFORD, Christ[opher]. The Schoole of Horsemanship. Wherein is discovered what Skill and Knowledge is required in a Good Horseman. London: [Thomas East] for Thomas Cadman, 1585.
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CLIFFORD, Christ[opher]. The Schoole of Horsemanship. Wherein is discovered what Skill and Knowledge is required in a Good Horseman. London: [Thomas East] for Thomas Cadman, 1585.

CLIFFORD, Christ[opher]. The Schoole of Horsemanship. Wherein is discovered what Skill and Knowledge is required in a Good Horseman. London: [Thomas East] for Thomas Cadman, 1585.

4º (195 x 133). Title with typographical border. 5 woodcut diagrams of riding patterns number-keyed to the text. (Outer margin of title and preliminaries with tears and losses to blank areas, short tear affecting title border, paper softening at margins, upper and lower corners creased, the creasing more severe in early quires, some staining and soiling, without final blank.) Contemporary limp vellum, uncut (crinkled and darkened, small holes in spine, lacks ties, lacks all but one endpaper, block detached); modern calf-backed clamshell box. Provenance: '[T]he order of Curinge horses Dyceses of thyngs against nature, having her[e] therto ' (contemporary inscription at foot of title) -- 'To heal and cure horses of the Scabbe ....' (early 6-line inscription on X1v, next to passage on: 'Of the scabbe or manginesse in a horse') -- 'To stop a horses blood when he is hurt by a stabb or otherwise ....' (early 3-line inscription on Z3r).

FIRST EDITION, partly in dialogue form, and with a preface in verse by John Tracie. In his dedicatory epistle to Sir Philip Sidney, Clifford asks him to 'pardon the homelie stile and tenor of this conference, because that true experience do need no ornament of words, or other waies because I am unlettered and have not Rethoricke at commaundement.' ESTC list only 9 copies, of which just 2 are in the British Isles (BL and Longleat); the BL copy lacks the last four leaves. ABPC records the sale of one copy in 2002, reoffered by Christie's in 2012. In addition, Rare Book Hub notes an imperfect copy sold in 1971. This copy has the appearances of being kept and used in a stable rather than protected in a library. Nevertheless, but for the final blank, it is a complete, uncut and entirely unsophisticated copy of a very rare Elizabethan horse book. Huth p. 11; Luborsky & Ingram 5415; Mellon/Podeschi 13; STC 5415; not in the Dejager collection.
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