A Lacquer Fubako [Letter Box]
A Lacquer Fubako [Letter Box]
A Lacquer Fubako [Letter Box]
A Lacquer Fubako [Letter Box]
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The Mike and Hiroko Dean Collection
A Lacquer Fubako [Letter Box]

Edo period (17th-18th century)

A Lacquer Fubako [Letter Box]
Edo period (17th-18th century)
With overhanging, slightly domed lid, the nashiji [sprinkled gold lacquer] ground decorated in gold and silver hiramaki-e [low relief lacquer], takamaki-e [high relief lacquer], kinpun, ginpun, kirikane [cut out pieces of gold leaf], tsukegaki [fine raised lacquer lines dusted with gold powder], uchikomi and heidatsu [thin metal sheet pasted on lacquer], depicting a karashishi [lion dog] and peonies on the bank of a stream, with sagari-fuji [hanging wisteria] and maru-jugomaizasa [fifteen bamboo leaves in a circle] mon [crests], the sides of the box similarly decorated but without the karashishi, fitted with two gilt copper nanako ring-fittings incised with a sagarifuji in its centre, the interior nashiji, fundame [dull gold lacquer ground] rims
7.5 x 25.8 x 8.4cm.
Mike and Hiroko Dean, Nihon no Shikki Japanese Lacquer - an Exposition (Kyoto, 1984), no. 30
Barry Davies Oriental Art, Japanese Lacquer Nambokucho to Zeshin, The Collection of Mike and Hiroko Dean, (London, 2002), p. 120-121, no. 42


Anastasia von Seibold
Anastasia von Seibold

更多来自 直观为美:战后伦敦日本艺术收藏
