‘... uninterrupted and resolutely uniform meandering script (unifying all planes to the frontal plane, paying no heed to the particular space of the object described, neither its dimensions, nor its distance nor closeness) thereby abolishing all particularities, all categories... so that this consistently uniform script indifferently applied to all things… will reduce them all to the lowest common denominator and restitute a continuous undifferentiated universe; it will thereby dissolve the categories which our mind habitually employs to decipher (better to say cipher) the facts and spectacles of the world. Herewith the circulation of the mind from one object to another, from one category to another will be liberated and its mobility greatly increased’
(Dubuffet, quoted in M. Rowell, 'Jean Dubuffet: An Art on the Margins of Culture', in Jean Dubuffet: A Retrospective, exh. cat.,
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1973, p. 26).
(Dubuffet, quoted in M. Rowell, 'Jean Dubuffet: An Art on the Margins of Culture', in Jean Dubuffet: A Retrospective, exh. cat.,
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1973, p. 26).