In der Bildmitte dieses Ölgemäldes mit dem Titel Bauernhof, um 1869 ist ein spielendes Kind abgebildet, die zu Ankers liebsten Modellen gehörten. Die Architektur, die Bäume und das fallende Laub im Bildvordergrund sind in der für Anker typisch tonigen Stofflichkeit gehalten. Die dunkle Grundierung sowie die herbstliche Farbgebung lassen das Kind in seiner hell- und dunkelblauen Kleidung besonders hervortreten. Anker dokumentiert in diesem Gemälde das ländliche Alltagsleben. In seinem besonderen Fokus lagen darüber hinaus die Bewohner von Ins, wo die Familie Anker lebte. So ist der hier dargestellte Vorbau bis heute das Backhaus ihres Bauernhauses, wenngleich das Wohnhaus selbst mehrmals umgebaut wurde. Der Hof im Vordergrund war für die Kinder des Malers sowie die Nachbarskinder ein willkommendes Spielgelände, auf dem Anker sie häufig porträtierte. Möglicherweise handelt es sich bei dem Kind in dem blauen Schürzlein um Ankers Sohn Ruedi (1867-1869), der schon mit zweieinhalb Jahren verstorben ist.
Wir danken Matthias Brefin, Ururenkel Albert Ankers und Bewohner des Albert Anker-Hauses in Ins, für die Informationen zu diesem Werk.
In the centre of this oil painting with the title of Bauernhof, um 1869 is the depiction of a child playing, and children were one of Anker's favourite motifs. The architecture, the trees and the falling leaves in the foreground of the painting have an almost clay-like quality that is typical of Anker's work. The dark undercoat and the autumnal colouring bring the child clothed in light and dark blues to the fore. Anker is portraying everyday country life in this painting. His particular focus was upon the inhabitants of Ins, where the Anker family lived. Thus, the front building portrayed here is still the bakehouse of their farmhouse today, even though the actual house has undergone reconstructions several times. The yards in the foreground was an inviting playground for both Anker's own and the neighbour's children, and he often painted there. Possibly the child in the blue apron is Anker's son Ruedi (1867-1869) who died at the tender age of two and a half.
We thank Matthias Brefin, great-great-grandson of Albert Anker and resident of the Albert Anker House in Ins, for the information about this work.
Wir danken Matthias Brefin, Ururenkel Albert Ankers und Bewohner des Albert Anker-Hauses in Ins, für die Informationen zu diesem Werk.
In the centre of this oil painting with the title of Bauernhof, um 1869 is the depiction of a child playing, and children were one of Anker's favourite motifs. The architecture, the trees and the falling leaves in the foreground of the painting have an almost clay-like quality that is typical of Anker's work. The dark undercoat and the autumnal colouring bring the child clothed in light and dark blues to the fore. Anker is portraying everyday country life in this painting. His particular focus was upon the inhabitants of Ins, where the Anker family lived. Thus, the front building portrayed here is still the bakehouse of their farmhouse today, even though the actual house has undergone reconstructions several times. The yards in the foreground was an inviting playground for both Anker's own and the neighbour's children, and he often painted there. Possibly the child in the blue apron is Anker's son Ruedi (1867-1869) who died at the tender age of two and a half.
We thank Matthias Brefin, great-great-grandson of Albert Anker and resident of the Albert Anker House in Ins, for the information about this work.