Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947)


成交价 英镑 43,750
英镑 30,000 – 英镑 50,000
拍品终止拍卖: 2013年11月25日
Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947)


成交价 英镑 43,750
拍品终止拍卖: 2013年11月25日
成交价 英镑 43,750
拍品终止拍卖: 2013年11月25日
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Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947)
signed with artist's monogram (lower right); faintly numbered 'II 76 III' (on the reverse)
tempera on card
6 x 12 in. (15.2 x 30 cm.)
Yuri Roerich (1902-1960).
A gift from the above to Iraida Bogdanova (1914-2004) (inscription on the reverse).
L. V. Shaposhnikova, The International Roerichs Centre. Catalogue, Moscow, 2009, listed p. 750, no. 76.
VAT rate of 5% is payable on hammer price and at 20% on the buyer's premium.


Aleksandra Babenko
Aleksandra Babenko



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更多来自 重要俄罗斯艺术

11 中的第 1 个
拍品 107

Grand Duchess Olga (1882-1960)

Flowering branches with potted wildflowers (illustrated); and Blossoming azaleas and violets

估价英镑 3,000 – 英镑 5,000
成交价英镑 13,750
拍品 109
估价英镑 20,000 – 英镑 30,000
成交价英镑 20,000
拍品 110

Natalia Goncharova (1881-1962)

Costume design for Liturgie: A Jewish High Priest

估价英镑 12,000 – 英镑 18,000
成交价英镑 27,500
拍品 111

Boris Kustodiev (1878-1927)

Shestnadtsat avtolitografii [Sixteen lithographs]. Petersburg: Komitet Populiarizatsii Khudozhestvennykh Izdanii, 1921

估价英镑 2,000 – 英镑 3,000
成交价英镑 5,250
拍品 112

Boris Bilinsky (1910-1948)

Costume design for La Princesse Cygne: A boyar

估价英镑 6,000 – 英镑 8,000
成交价英镑 15,000
拍品 113

Mstislav Dobuzhinsky (1875-1957)

Two set designs: The hospital; and The school

估价英镑 2,000 – 英镑 3,000
成交价英镑 2,500
拍品 114

Léon Bakst (1866-1924)

Costume design for Firebird

估价英镑 150,000 – 英镑 200,000
成交价英镑 242,500
拍品 115
估价英镑 7,000 – 英镑 9,000
成交价英镑 10,000
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Alexandre Benois (1870-1960)

Costume design for Sleeping Beauty: Lilac fairy

估价英镑 5,000 – 英镑 7,000
成交价英镑 5,625
拍品 117

Natalia Goncharova (1881-1962)

Eight studies for Liturgie comprising of four studies of Christ standing and four studies of the Apostles

估价英镑 5,000 – 英镑 7,000
成交价英镑 13,750
拍品 120
估价英镑 20,000 – 英镑 30,000
成交价英镑 25,000