I thought of Africa as a place where there was still plenty of room, where you could actually live life rather than have your life run by a world where you wake up in the morning to a traffic jam, rush to catch a bus, struggle to get to the office. Peter Beard
Maureen Gallagher, Hog Ranch, 1987
Maureen Gallagher, Hog Ranch, 1987
unique gelatin silver print with ink handwork, printed later
signed, titled, dated and annotated 'Greetings' in ink (on the recto); 'The Time is Always Now' credit stamp (on the frame backing)
sheet: 16 x 20in. (40.7 x 50.8cm.); artist's frame
Maureen Gallagher, Hog Ranch, 1987
unique gelatin silver print with ink handwork, printed later
signed, titled, dated and annotated 'Greetings' in ink (on the recto); 'The Time is Always Now' credit stamp (on the frame backing)
sheet: 16 x 20in. (40.7 x 50.8cm.); artist's frame