Lieven Cruyl (Ghent 1640-before 1720)

View of the Capitol with the Church of Santa Maria Aracoeli and the Campidoglio, Rome

成交价 英镑 17,500
英镑 15,000 – 英镑 20,000
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Lieven Cruyl (Ghent 1640-before 1720)

View of the Capitol with the Church of Santa Maria Aracoeli and the Campidoglio, Rome

成交价 英镑 17,500
成交价 英镑 17,500
Lieven Cruyl (Ghent 1640-before 1720)
View of the Capitol with the Church of Santa Maria Aracoeli and the Campidoglio, Rome
with inscription 'J: Callot. F.'
pen and brown and black ink, grey and brown wash, on vellum, pen and brown ink framing lines
5 7/8 x 8 1/8 in. (14.8 x 20.7 cm.)
Professor Dr Einar Perman, Stockholm, from whom purchased in 1968 by
Saam and Lily Nijstad, The Unicorno Collection; Sotheby's, Amsterdam, 19 May 2004, lot 39, where acquired by the present owner.
Bordeaux, Musée des Beaux-Arts, La peinture française en Suède: Hommage à Alexander Roslin et à Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller, 1967, no. 114, illustrated pl. 52 (as Jacques Callot).
Amsterdam, Museum Het Rembrandthuis and Dordrecht, Dordrechts Museum, Kleur en Raffinement, Tekeningen uit de Unicorno Collectie Museum, 1994-5, no. 18.
The Hague, Haags Historisch Museum, Grenzeloos Goed: Tekeningen uit de Unicorno Collectie, 2001, no. 58.
By the artist, 1704.


Hélène Rihal
Hélène Rihal




Lieven Cruyl returned to the present view on at least three other occasions: the large-scale drawing in the Cleveland Museum of Art (part of a series of eighteen views of Rome) and a mirror-image of that drawing in the Albertina, Vienna, seem to be preparatory designs for an unexecuted print (see B. Jatta, Lieven Cruyl e la sua opera grafica: Un artista fiammingo nell' Italia del Seicento, Rome and Brussels, 1992, under no. 76). Another, circular, version was sold at Christie's, Amsterdam, 12 November 1990, lot 109.