Dora Maar (1907-1997)
" f " : In addition to the regular Buyer’s premium… 显示更多
Dora Maar (1907-1997)


Dora Maar (1907-1997)
avec le cachet de l'atelier 'VENTE ATELIER DORA MAAR' (en bas à droite)
huile sur carton
42 x 35 cm. (16½ x 13¾ in.)
Atelier de l'artiste; vente, Piasa, Paris, 26 novembre et 7 décembre 1998.
Collection particulière, New York, 2002.
" f " : In addition to the regular Buyer’s premium, a commission of 7% (i.e. 7.385% inclusive of VAT for books, 8.372% inclusive of VAT for the other lots) of the hammer price will be charged to the buyer. It will be refunded to the Buyer upon proof of export of the lot outside the European Union within the legal time limit.(Please refer to section VAT refunds)
'Autoportrait'; with the Atelier stamp lower right; oil on board.