F.M. Perkins, 'Dipinti italiani nelle raccolte americane', Rassegna d'arte, X, 1910, p. 100, illustrated, as Francesco Francia.
A. Venturi, Storia dell'arte italiana, VII, part 3, Milan, 1914, pp. 959-960, fig. 715, as Jacopo de' Boateri.
G.H. Edgell, 'The Loan Exhibition of Italian Paintings in the Fogg Museum, Cambridge', Art and Archaeology, II, 1915, pp. 19, 21, fig. 9, as Francesco Francia.
S. Reinach, Répertoire de peintures du moyen âge et de la renaissance (1280-1580), Paris, V, 1922, p. 378, illustrated, as Francesco Francia.
F. Filippini, 'Raffaello a Bologna', Cronache d'Arte, II, 1925, pp. 230-231, as Jacopo de' Boateri.
W.R. Valentiner, Paintings in the Collection of Martin A. Ryerson, unpublished manuscript, 1932, as Francesco Francia.
'Exhibition of the Ryerson Gift', Bulletin of the Art Institute of Chicago, XXXII, 1938, p. 3, as Francia.
Art Institute of Chicago, Paintings in the Art Institute of Chicago. A Catalogue of the Picture Collection, Chicago, 1961, p. 226, as Italian school, 16th century.
B.B. Fredericksen and F. Zeri, Census of Pre-Nineteenth-Century Italian Paintings in North American Public Collections, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1972, pp. 74, 385, 571, under 'School, shop or studio work of Francesco Francia'.
C. Lloyd, Italian Paintings before 1600 in The Art Institute of Chicago: A Catalogue of the Collection, Chicago, 1993, pp. 93-95 as workshop of Francesco Francia.
N. Roio, 'Boateri, Jacopo', in Allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon, XI, Munich and Leipzig, 1995, p. 666, as Jacopo de' Boateri.
E. Negro and N. Roio, Francesco Francia e la sua scuola, Modena, 1998, p. 223, no. 118, as School of Francesco Francia.
Cambridge, Massachusetts, Fogg Art Museum, Loan Exhibition of Italian Paintings, 1915.
Chicago, Art Institute of Chicago, Exhibition of the Ryerson Gift, 1938.
Rockford, Illinois, Rockford Art Association, 1951.
Beloit, Wisconsin, Beloit College, 1952-1953.
Fort Wayne, Indiana, Fort Wayne Art School, 1955.