Di Cavalcanti was not the painter of the mulatto women but the painter of the female realm, whether they were white women, black women, or mulatto women. The eminently feminine realm of his childhood makes him the one who is eternally in love with them all, with every new languid muse, emerging from the waves of his Rio de Janeiro, 'the lover of many loves.'
--Elisabeth di Cavalcanti, as quoted in "My Father: di Cavalcanti" in exhibition catalogue Di Cavalcanti: un perfeito carioca (Rio de Janeiro: Caixa Cultural, 2006), 108-09.
--Elisabeth di Cavalcanti, as quoted in "My Father: di Cavalcanti" in exhibition catalogue Di Cavalcanti: un perfeito carioca (Rio de Janeiro: Caixa Cultural, 2006), 108-09.