The subject is derived from Marcantonio Raimondi's engraving of 'The Virgin Reading with the Infant Christ' after the drawing by Raphael. The inscription, FACIES OQULIS ISIDIOSA MEIS, a quotation from Letter XV of Ovid's Heroides, was translated by Rackham as "a face insidious to my eyes", but "beauty treacherous to my eyes" is more accurate.
For two chargers with decoration derived from the same engraving, see Jeanne Giacomotti, Catalogue des majoliques des musées nationaux, Paris, 1974, pp. 186-187, no. 602 (in the Musée Céramique, Sèvres) and no. 603 (in the Louvre, Paris).
For two chargers with decoration derived from the same engraving, see Jeanne Giacomotti, Catalogue des majoliques des musées nationaux, Paris, 1974, pp. 186-187, no. 602 (in the Musée Céramique, Sèvres) and no. 603 (in the Louvre, Paris).