CELLARIUS, Andreas (1596?-1665). Harmonia Macrocosmica seu Atlas Universalis et Novus. Amsterdam: Peter Schenk & Gerard Valk, 1708. Folio (530 x 344mm). Title printed in red and black, additional engraved allegorical title by F. H. v. Hoven, and 27 (of 29) double-page engraved celestial maps, all coloured in contemporary hand. (Lacking pl. 2 'Scenographia Systematis Mundani Ptolemaici' and pl. 28 'Hemisphaerii Australis Coeli & Terrae Scenographia', tiny marginal waterstain to extreme margins of a few plates.) [Bound after:] [DOPPELMAYR, Johann Gabriel. Atlas Novus Coelestis. Nuremberg: Homann's Heirs, 1742.] 21 (of 30) double-page engraved celestial maps, all coloured by a contemporary hand, together with hand-coloured engraved allegorical title from J. B. Homann's Atlas Novus, signed Mich. Rößler, and double-page hand-coloured engraved plate 'Sphaerarum Artificialium Typica Repraesentatio' showing an armillary sphere, and a pair of terrestrial and celestia
CELLARIUS, Andreas (1596?-1665). Harmonia Macrocosmica seu Atlas Universalis et Novus. Amsterdam: Peter Schenk & Gerard Valk, 1708. Folio (530 x 344mm). Title printed in red and black, additional engraved allegorical title by F. H. v. Hoven, and 27 (of 29) double-page engraved celestial maps, all coloured in contemporary hand. (Lacking pl. 2 'Scenographia Systematis Mundani Ptolemaici' and pl. 28 'Hemisphaerii Australis Coeli & Terrae Scenographia', tiny marginal waterstain to extreme margins of a few plates.) [Bound after:] [DOPPELMAYR, Johann Gabriel. Atlas Novus Coelestis. Nuremberg: Homann's Heirs, 1742.] 21 (of 30) double-page engraved celestial maps, all coloured by a contemporary hand, together with hand-coloured engraved allegorical title from J. B. Homann's Atlas Novus, signed Mich. Rößler, and double-page hand-coloured engraved plate 'Sphaerarum Artificialium Typica Repraesentatio' showing an armillary sphere, and a pair of terrestrial and celestia
CELLARIUS, Andreas (1596?-1665). Harmonia Macrocosmica seu Atlas Universalis et Novus. Amsterdam: Peter Schenk & Gerard Valk, 1708. Folio (530 x 344mm). Title printed in red and black, additional engraved allegorical title by F. H. v. Hoven, and 27 (of 29) double-page engraved celestial maps, all coloured in contemporary hand. (Lacking pl. 2 'Scenographia Systematis Mundani Ptolemaici' and pl. 28 'Hemisphaerii Australis Coeli & Terrae Scenographia', tiny marginal waterstain to extreme margins of a few plates.) [Bound after:] [DOPPELMAYR, Johann Gabriel. Atlas Novus Coelestis. Nuremberg: Homann's Heirs, 1742.] 21 (of 30) double-page engraved celestial maps, all coloured by a contemporary hand, together with hand-coloured engraved allegorical title from J. B. Homann's Atlas Novus, signed Mich. Rößler, and double-page hand-coloured engraved plate 'Sphaerarum Artificialium Typica Repraesentatio' showing an armillary sphere, and a pair of terrestrial and celestia
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CELLARIUS, Andreas (1596?-1665). Harmonia Macrocosmica seu Atlas Universalis et Novus. Amsterdam: Peter Schenk & Gerard Valk, 1708. Folio (530 x 344mm). Title printed in red and black, additional engraved allegorical title by F. H. v. Hoven, and 27 (of 29) double-page engraved celestial maps, all coloured in contemporary hand. (Lacking pl. 2 'Scenographia Systematis Mundani Ptolemaici' and pl. 28 'Hemisphaerii Australis Coeli & Terrae Scenographia', tiny marginal waterstain to extreme margins of a few plates.) [Bound after:] [DOPPELMAYR, Johann Gabriel. Atlas Novus Coelestis. Nuremberg: Homann's Heirs, 1742.] 21 (of 30) double-page engraved celestial maps, all coloured by a contemporary hand, together with hand-coloured engraved allegorical title from J. B. Homann's Atlas Novus, signed Mich. Rößler, and double-page hand-coloured engraved plate 'Sphaerarum Artificialium Typica Repraesentatio' showing an armillary sphere, and a pair of terrestrial and celestial globes, published by Homann. (Lacking title, index leaf, engraved frontispiece and 9 maps, allegorical title remargined with very small marginal repair, occasional light marginal soiling.) Contemporary mottled calf, covers with gilt foliate roll-tooled border, upper cover with central gilt title within circular wreath 'Atlas Coelestis Tom: I', gilt spine in nine compartments, red morocco gilt label to second, red speckled edges (expert repairs to tail of spine and corners, a few very minor wormholes to covers, extremities rubbed). [Together with:] DOPPELMAYR, Johann Gabriel. Atlas Novus Coelestis. Nuremberg: Homann's Heirs, 1742. Folio (540 x 340mm). Title printed in red and black with engraved vignette, index leaf. Plain engraved frontispiece, 22 (of 30) double-page engraved hand-coloured celestial maps. (Lacking 8 maps, frontispiece remargined and probably supplied, light waterstaining and creasing to title, occasional faint soiling.) Modern calf binding in antique style, upper cover with border of single gilt fillet and small corner-pieces enclosing central gilt title within roll-tooled losenge 'Atlas Coelestis Tom. II', gilt spine, red edges (extremities faintly rubbed). FINELY COLOURED CELESTIAL ATLASES BY A CONTEMPORARY HAND. Comprising 3 works in 2 volumes, the present lot contains 71 celestial maps. The two Doppelmayr atlases are complementary, with many of the missing maps in each found in the accompanying volume, so that only the pl. VI 'Phaenomena circa quantitatem dierum artificialium & solarium' is lacking from a complete plate count. A complete plate listing can be found in the online condition report at www.christies.com.cn. Shirley BL C.CELL-1d; C.DOP-1c. Sold as an atlas not subject to return. (2)

CELLARIUS, Andreas (1596?-1665). Harmonia Macrocosmica seu Atlas Universalis et Novus. Amsterdam: Peter Schenk & Gerard Valk, 1708. Folio (530 x 344mm). Title printed in red and black, additional engraved allegorical title by F. H. v. Hoven, and 27 (of 29) double-page engraved celestial maps, all coloured in contemporary hand. (Lacking pl. 2 'Scenographia Systematis Mundani Ptolemaici' and pl. 28 'Hemisphaerii Australis Coeli & Terrae Scenographia', tiny marginal waterstain to extreme margins of a few plates.) [Bound after:] [DOPPELMAYR, Johann Gabriel. Atlas Novus Coelestis. Nuremberg: Homann's Heirs, 1742.] 21 (of 30) double-page engraved celestial maps, all coloured by a contemporary hand, together with hand-coloured engraved allegorical title from J. B. Homann's Atlas Novus, signed Mich. Rößler, and double-page hand-coloured engraved plate 'Sphaerarum Artificialium Typica Repraesentatio' showing an armillary sphere, and a pair of terrestrial and celestial globes, published by Homann. (Lacking title, index leaf, engraved frontispiece and 9 maps, allegorical title remargined with very small marginal repair, occasional light marginal soiling.) Contemporary mottled calf, covers with gilt foliate roll-tooled border, upper cover with central gilt title within circular wreath 'Atlas Coelestis Tom: I', gilt spine in nine compartments, red morocco gilt label to second, red speckled edges (expert repairs to tail of spine and corners, a few very minor wormholes to covers, extremities rubbed).

[Together with:] DOPPELMAYR, Johann Gabriel. Atlas Novus Coelestis. Nuremberg: Homann's Heirs, 1742. Folio (540 x 340mm). Title printed in red and black with engraved vignette, index leaf. Plain engraved frontispiece, 22 (of 30) double-page engraved hand-coloured celestial maps. (Lacking 8 maps, frontispiece remargined and probably supplied, light waterstaining and creasing to title, occasional faint soiling.) Modern calf binding in antique style, upper cover with border of single gilt fillet and small corner-pieces enclosing central gilt title within roll-tooled losenge 'Atlas Coelestis Tom. II', gilt spine, red edges (extremities faintly rubbed).

FINELY COLOURED CELESTIAL ATLASES BY A CONTEMPORARY HAND. Comprising 3 works in 2 volumes, the present lot contains 71 celestial maps. The two Doppelmayr atlases are complementary, with many of the missing maps in each found in the accompanying volume, so that only the pl. VI 'Phaenomena circa quantitatem dierum artificialium & solarium' is lacking from a complete plate count. A complete plate listing can be found in the online condition report at www.christies.com.cn. Shirley BL C.CELL-1d; C.DOP-1c. Sold as an atlas not subject to return. (2)


Eugenio Donadoni
Eugenio Donadoni

