A partir de 1949, Léger expérimente avec son ancien élève Roland Brice les techniques de la céramique, de la mosaïque et du vitrail. A travers ces nouveaux procédés, Léger souhaite développer une version monumentale de son art, tout en poursuivant ses recherches sur la couleur et les contrastes. En 1949, il exécute une mosaïque pour la façade de l'église d'Assy; en 1951, les vitraux de l'Eglise d'Audincourt; jusqu'en 1954, des vitraux pour l'église de Courfaivre (Suisse) et pour l'université de Caracas; et en 1955, des sculptures, mosaïques et céramiques pour l'usine Gaz de France à Alfortville.
In 1949 Fernand Leger, in conjunction with his former student Roland Brice, began experimenting with ceramic, mosaic and stained glass window techniques. In working in this new media, Leger aimed to further develop a monumental version of his oeuvre, all the while maintaining his interest in color and contrasts. Leger won a number of commissions for this monumental work, including a mosaic for the facade of the church in Assy (1949); the stained glass windows for the church in Audincourt (1951), the church in Courfaivre (Switzerland, 1954), and for the University of Caracas (1954); and finally sculpture, mosaics and ceramics for Gaz de France in Alfortville (1955), on which the present work is based.
In 1949 Fernand Leger, in conjunction with his former student Roland Brice, began experimenting with ceramic, mosaic and stained glass window techniques. In working in this new media, Leger aimed to further develop a monumental version of his oeuvre, all the while maintaining his interest in color and contrasts. Leger won a number of commissions for this monumental work, including a mosaic for the facade of the church in Assy (1949); the stained glass windows for the church in Audincourt (1951), the church in Courfaivre (Switzerland, 1954), and for the University of Caracas (1954); and finally sculpture, mosaics and ceramics for Gaz de France in Alfortville (1955), on which the present work is based.