A study by a member of Poussin's workshop for a grisaille intended to decorate the Grande Galerie of the Louvre. This decoration was the most important commission Poussin received from King Louis XIII while he was in Paris between 1640 and 1642. The artist never finished the work and what had been realized was eventually destroyed during the 18th Century. On the vault Poussin had intended to represent episodes from the Life of Hercules.
Two drawings of the same composition but with minor differences are in the Louvre (inv. nos. 32462 and R.F. 112) (P. Rosenberg and L.-A. Prat, op. cit., nos. A30-1).
Two drawings of the same composition but with minor differences are in the Louvre (inv. nos. 32462 and R.F. 112) (P. Rosenberg and L.-A. Prat, op. cit., nos. A30-1).