From the exhibition list of Galerie Espace one can cleary see the major affinity of the gallery owners, Polly Chapon and Eva Bendien, with Cobra and affiliated art movements from that period. Besides solo exhibitions of artists from that movement, there were frequent Cobra-hangings in the gallery.
In November 1956 a work by Karel Appel was sold for the first time, for 500 Dutch Guilders. In the following year Karel Appel received his first solo exhibition at the gallery, with works dating from the early 1950's: drawings, gouaches en a few paintings. By displaying the smaller works, Polly Chapon and Eva Bendien contributed greatly to growth of the public appreciation of Karel Appel in The Netherlands.
H. Koomen-de Langen & J. Torringa, Galerie Espace veertig jaar, in Galerie Espace - 40 jaar ruimte voor eigentijdse kunst, Haarlem 1997, p. 15.
In November 1956 a work by Karel Appel was sold for the first time, for 500 Dutch Guilders. In the following year Karel Appel received his first solo exhibition at the gallery, with works dating from the early 1950's: drawings, gouaches en a few paintings. By displaying the smaller works, Polly Chapon and Eva Bendien contributed greatly to growth of the public appreciation of Karel Appel in The Netherlands.
H. Koomen-de Langen & J. Torringa, Galerie Espace veertig jaar, in Galerie Espace - 40 jaar ruimte voor eigentijdse kunst, Haarlem 1997, p. 15.